And all these content creators are going down with it!
In the past week or so, EA has released a new pack, that comes with new bugs and problems. Honestly, it's nothing new from the last 4 times it happened and I'm really not sure how and/or why people in the community are STILL out here surprised Pikachu face every time it happens. Like seriously, did you deadass think this time was going to be different? If you've been playing since 2014, this shouldn't surpise you and yet somehow it still does. Make it make sense Susan!
At this point, it's "fool me once, fool me twice". There's no way y'all lack this much self awareness! It laughable at this point!
That's bad and everything, but what I really wanted to comment on, is how these creators messed around and made (not even) playing the sims their bread and butter, and now the game don't half work for them for their clientele (people who play sims). Not only that, but by-products are also not working (because they, too, depend on EA being functional) Things like Sims4Studio and Sims4Ripper. These creators depend on EA and products that use EA being functional in order to make the rent. I personally wouldn't take a gamble on that, but then again, these creators aren't too big brain( to put it lightly).
If you don't have a contingency plan, that's on you babe. Nobody forced you to come out here and base your entire rent money and livelihood on a 10+ year old game that don't even work right most of the time. Don't start crying to the community for decisions that you made! Start taking some responsibility for yourself P L E A S E! Most of y'all that's out here charging folks for pixels are 25+ years old. Old enough do better.
Yeah, I'm takin the piss because y'all get on my nerves honestly. Over here acting like this is the only thing you can do on the internet. We all know that not true. As if YouTube, Tiktok, and Etsy don't exsist. Save me your swan song cause I already don't wanna hear it. Tell it to your momma, not me.
Realistically speaking, how long did you think you were going to do this anyway? Like, was this really supposed to be a career move for you? Because #oooof
You can't expect people to take you serious if all you have is a Patreon and Tumblr. No website, no online store, just a social media blog and whatever category Patreon fall under. Just like EA, they can upend your life too! At any given point in time, the people at Patreon and Tumblr can delete your entire shit and ain't nothin you can do about it except cry! I've seen Tumblr take down some creators pages and they threw a whole fit because that's literally the only site they posted their content to. Dems the breaks shug. You've been making content for how long? And you don't have a website yet? It ain't that expensive. At most you're paying $40 a month. Some of y'all give more than that to Patreon subscriptions. 👀
So don't tell me "it's expensive". Nah, you just don't wanna put in the effort! And that's on you!
And also what's trippin me up rn, is that y'all are solely focused on Sims 4 specifically. Not all the sims 1,2,or 3, not animal crossing, not second life, not gaming in general, but the niche that is Sims 4. Essentially you backed yourself into a corner doin that. You really out here depending on a known to be busted and broken game to pay your rent. Who you mad at?
I 110% understand not wanting a day job, but like even the blog gurus tell you not to put all of your chips in one basket. This is "How to earn money online 101". If you haven't diversified your income, once again, that's on you hun. Why are you crying to us about it? This is the bed you made, sleep in it!
Not sorry for the attitude, yall be doing the ABSOLUTE MOST over these pixels and now you're crying because your own poor decisions. And I just know y'all haven't thought of a workaround, because back in August 2022, when EA pulled out that donation card, y'all lost your complete and utter shit over that. And didn't even try to come up with a plan B. That's why I have no remorse for y'all now. You want people to help you, but you can't even help yourself! Y'all just expect everyone to hand feed you everything. Time to start growing tf up!
If that situation didn't inspire you to create some sort of backup plan, well then I really don't feel bad for you. Even the lord helps those WHO HELP THEMSELVES FIRST!
Sounds to me like you just wanna make money, but don't want to run a business #ThatsAYouProblem
AND THEN on top of all that, the content you're putting out is either half done, glitchy, no morphs, don't half work, or too heavy to put in the game. 90% of the time it ain't worth the money you spend on it. And yet you wanna twist somebodies arm for $5. GTFOH with that! You CC creators are just as bad as EA if we keep it 💯.
With all that being said, my empathy for y'all has left the chat. I think it sometime in 2022 after we made all that noise and nothing came out of it. I think that's part of the reason why I haven't made any think pieces in the past year. Y'all collectively just suck, so I'm gonna go back to doin what I was doin and y'all can have all of that!
It's 2024. You're adults now(I mean really. A lot of y'all are past 25 and need to start getting your shit together!). Start taking some responsibility for your life! Maybe it's time for you to log off and go get a job! #ISaidWhatISaid
***I'm turning the comments off for this one. I straight up just don't wanna hear it from yall. The community is rife with hypocrites and I don't wanna hear it! It's my blog, and I came here to vent, not hear you stand on your soapbox and make excuses for people. Go do that on your own blog!***