What's your favorite scary movie?
Mine is actually Halloween. Michael Myers is the hommie! Scream is not really up there on my horror list, first it's Mike, then it's Freddy. But Ghostface does have an aesthetic that I can get behind!
Here's some Scream/Ghostface CC that I found! I'll update it when I find more!

Popcorn bucket: Hydrangea sims
Cupcakes: Mel Bennet
Latte with Cookie: Soloriya
Mask: Pare sims
Ticket: Soloriya
DVDs: KKS (?)
Ghostface figure: Scodee Yodee
Laptop: ?
I also made my own posters!

It comes in 5 different swatches. Should be base game compatible (if not, then you need either Get Famous or City Living)
Download it right here!🔽