Today we're gonna talk about Leosims. I think most people in the sims community know of Leosims one way or another. And if you don't know, well honey, you're about to find out! Let's do a deep dive into the "creator" that calls themselves Leosims.
Leosims is a sims 4 "content creator". I use quotes because 99% (if not 100) of the content Leosims "creates" comes from other websites, other creators, and other virtual world groups like Second Life. Leosims also puts their "creations" up on Patreon and you can only access them by paying anywhere between $5-$15. If you don't know already, the sims community feels some type of way about paying for content.

As of 7/21/22 EA has clarified their stance on custom content:

The way I see it, early access and donations are fine, they just don't want you to lock essentially their content behind a $5-$100 paywall. Especially because EA ain't seeing a crumb of that money!
I understand wanting to be compensated for your time and effort(ain't nothing going up but the rent!), especially if you actually put in the time and effort to make your content from scratch. But there's a right and a wrong way to go about it. Leosims is the perfect example of what not to do. How not to run a business. Leosims doesn't even make their own content and then have the audacity to charge people for it! Leosims is basically a professional reseller, spitting in the face of real creators. Leosims is out here making a fool out of all of you!
Deadass, Leosims steals from other creators, other websites and then turns it for a profit. On some Jawa shit! (but Jawa's don't trip like Leo does so lemme put some respect on it.)

Leosims stepped on to the scene in 2015 doing conversions from sims 2 & 3, but back then Leo was smart enough to leave credit.

In fact, Leosims was quite humble back in the day compared to how they act now. Here's a quote taken from the donation section of their blog:
"This is not a pay site. I dont even have my own meshes yet. I am not able to work now and all i can do is converting meshes from retired creators at home. You can donate if you feel like doing. You can request anything if you donate or not. It is not imortant.( I know my english bad )" Thank you Leosims cir. 2015
Around October of 2016, Leosims made the switch to using their own website to host their CC.
As far as I know, Leosims was quiet until 2017. That's when the problems started.
Patreon was becoming more of a thing in the sims community. And leosims didn't hesitate to jump on the wagon. This is also when Leo went from converting sims content to converting Second Life content. Which is a problem because the Second Life community don't like when you take their stuff. Leosims had to find that out the hard way. It wasn't just that Leosims was using Second Life meshes, they were using them and MAKING $$$ OFF OF IT!! A big no-no in pretty much every community. And you just know these second life creators haven't seen one cent from Leo, no royalties, nothing. The very least Leosims could've done was leave credit (like they did before). But by this time Leosims' ego already got too big.

Maybe if was only one, two or even three objects, they would've been nicer about it, but Leo stole the whole damn website! It was littered with Second Life conversions! That's pure theft! Especially when you don't say where you got your mesh from.

This by no means an extensive list, but you get the idea. This is excessive!
People like Leosims is exactly why we don't have the best relationship with the Second Life community. And I don't blame them. I think if Leosims would've at least gave a shoutout every now and then, the whole entire Second Life community probably wouldn't have come for them so hard. But because Leosims, just like every creator since 2017, have this "I bought it so it's mine" mentality, so we gotta put 'em in check. And that's what the Second Life community did.

The Second Life community caught wind of Leosims flipping their content for a profit and created a whole thread exposing them. It's still up and active. I won't go over everyone that Leosims has stolen from (because we'd be here all damn day) but I will tell you who sent them a DCMA (as far as the Plurk thread is concerned)
A list of Second Life creators that DCMA'd Leosims:
Also not an extensive list, but you get the idea. This is already 4 too many! Jesus!
And then here's Leo's response to the takedown:

And Leo's tumblr response:
Leosims is really out here living in their own reality.
Listen Leo, if you were doing the right thing, we wouldn't be here. Period.

People don't come at you for no reason. You're stealing. You're a thief! And You got caught! Plain and simple. There's nothing to misunderstand here. Maybe you're the who's misunderstanding the situation Leo! It seems like everyone understands except for you. Why is that?
You have to use the wayback machine to see some of Leosims' older content because the Second Life community got their website, tumblr, AND Patreon taken down!(if you were right, it wouldn't have happened)

And you would think after getting DCMA'd by FOUR different people, that would be your wakeup call. For most people with common sense, it would be. I know that if it were me and I got sent even one DCMA, I'm gonna stop! You want your content? You can have it! I don't need to get into trouble on the internet over no damn pixels. It ain't that deep!
But Leosims apparently didn't get the message because they're still out here, to this day, on the same exact shit! And what tickles me about Leosims is that THEY WENT BACK TO SCENE OF THE CRIME GIRL!
Lol what did you think was gonna happen sis?

And even more recently, she got clocked AGAIN! This happened while I was doing my research:
That pet bed is nowhere to be found now. It's been removed from the website, tumblr, and even the instagram post has been removed. But we do have our handy dandy wayback machine, so you can see it was there. This was a quiet takedown, but a takedown nonetheless. So it's pretty obvious that Leosims doesn't see what's wrong with they're doing.
Which brings me to my next point. So not only is Leosims a thief, but they're just not a good person in general. Leosims was the architect of a major drama in the community. I guess you say this was the first instance of some off the wall shit like you see today. Now, I wasn't involved, I wasn't even on simblr went it all went down but I do have screenshots from people who were in it, people who witnessed it go down and I'm gonna let them tell it:

Also, leosims is one of the pioneers of doxxing behavior:
Even the Queen, Xmiramira had something to say about it! If she has to get on you, you know you fucked up! There's a lot more being said on the thread, here's a good start, but I would recommend reading the whole thing from start to finish!
There's also a tumblr post responding to the situation.
Another tumblr post going off about it
A blog post talking about the situation
This was a pretty big deal when it happened and then Leosims has the pure AUDACITY to say this:

At this point, Sure Jan. Say whatever you need to to help yourself sleep at night. The fact that you STILL haven't apologized for what you've done peaks VOLUMES. Apart of my problem with Leosims is that they can't just take an L and apologize. Even when they've so obviously done something wrong. There's no personal growth. You will not see any character development with Leosims. They been in this mindset for awhile and I don't think they'll ever change.

Sending who do we know that does some shit like that?
*cough* hmb *cough*
And because of all the nonsense with second life and emma, Leosims' patreon now looks like this:
From the gate you can already pick out sus behavior. "You will get a mail with downloads" aka "I'll DM you the link". You KNOW how we feel about that shit around here!
"Early releases will be available after 6 months" You don't need me to tell you the problem here. Also, I just peeped Leosims's patreon and there are no free posts. Their entire catalog is behind a paywall (as of 7/26/22)
To add the cherry on top, Leosims posted this on their Patreon in response to EA's clarification:

Allow to to translate this: "Our paying customers will receive a free gift". That's not making your content freely available to everyone Leo! Didn't you say something about going early access if EA said so?

Taken straight from leosims' tumblr (if the link is broken, it because leo deleted it)
All this controversy that Leosims has put themselves into has led their Patreon to look more shady than Cowbuild's! Leosims is doing everything under the sun except for the right thing! At least cowbuild has pictures up and a description.
Here's how Leosims' Patreon looks:

No picture, no description, just people in the comments "can I have the link". #shady
It only looks like this because Leosims is out here doing things that they know full well they aren't supposed to do!
Just a PSA to anyone subscribing to this: You should have more self respect than this! You're paying Leosims' $5-$15 for some stolen content AND THEN you have to beg for it?! GIIIRRRRLLL! That says something about you as well. Yeah, Leosims shouldn't be out here but also you're buying into it so 🤷🏾♀️
Me personally? I'll be damned! If you can't freely give my content that I paid for, I guess I can't give you my money. Period. You shouldn't have to go through any hoops just to get some cc for your game. Plenty of creators out here with easier and less shady processes. Truth be told, Leosims is not the only one "making content" out here. Since you wanna put people through all of this, I'll just subscribe to a less problematic creator. It's that simple. My money can be better served elsewhere! There's plenty of creators out here not being shady about their business.
I have this conspiracy theory and I have to call it as such for legal reasons.
You wonder why the community is they way it is right now? I think it thanks to people like Leosims. Sit back and really think about it. Doxxing, Stealing, and honestly tracking(beacuse let's be real here). Is this or is not the exact behavior of those on the track team?!
Look, I'm just putting 2 and 2 together. Trying to make sense of it.
I can't confirm this, unless someone has receipts, but I wouldn't be surprised to find Leosims on the list of perpetrators. In fact, I'd go so far to say that Leosims started this shit! We talk about Bergdorf, but Leosims has been here since day 1. Has been on it since day 1. Where do you think creators like cowbuild and HMB got their idea from? Most likely leosims. At least that's what I think. I'm just making educated guesses here. That's why I call it a conspiracy theory.
You used to be a decent human being Leo, what happened? What went wrong?
And I'm not done talking about Leosims either, but this post is getting lengthy, so there will be a part 2! Honey, we haven't even gotten to CGTrader yet! That's a whole other thing!