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I Was On Simstagram For A Year And Here's What Happened

Writer: Amira MontagueAmira Montague

Today I'm bringing you another origin story. And of course, tea! You know how I got involved with the drama, but now you gotta know where I started.

I've had a simstagram since 2018. It wasn't until October 2020 that I decided to post more frequently. That's when I decided to start my fanfic. (That's been my MO since day 1!)

Fast forward to January 2021. I'm still character and world building with my sims and I needed something for them to do in-between major plot points (basically filler content). So I figured why not play with the RP community? It looks like fun! Everyone coming together for one event. The concept is great when done right.

My first event was the Millennials launch event. I got a pr box and everything! It was so cute! I was about it! Honestly this was the event gave me the idea of being a "simfulencer"

It was cute and everyone had a good time! There wasn't any discrimination between blender and in-game. That would change over time.

And then a few days after that event, the first bout of drama happened. It involved the Millennials group and guess who? Deborah Hauzz #ItsAllConnected

Hauzz was the creator of the lot for the event and I believe this was around the same time Hauzz was getting clocked on Tumblr for using people's content without their permission. Simstagram wasn't aware of this at first, but then somebody said something and it turn into a whole thing. This happened around February/March. I was still fresh to the community, so I didn't say anything about it or give it much attention. Just let people fuss right?

"Ignore it and it will go away" doesn't apply to simstagram. When shit happens every 3-5 business days, it's hard to ignore. Since that incident, it was like every other week there was a new "drama". I got tired of hearing that shit, so I said something:

And from that point on, I continued to go off on these people! Because they continue to do shit! It's been about a year now and they're still on it! I have yet to see one of the leaders from these groups @ me directly. They ain't got nothing to say to you if you're not a part of their group. That should tell you something.

They only want to attack fellow/previous members. Those are the people they "have dirt" on. And you're gonna see that when I show you the "drama" that goes on on simstagram. So basically, if you're not a part of these groups, ain't nothing to worry about. I've done went off, @ some people, showed up to your front porch with receipts, and they haven't stepped to me so far. I think it's because I'm not a member of their little group. They can't manipulate and gaslight me! I'm too confident in my receipts to be bothered by them.

Speaking of receipts, let's get into them!

⚠TW: Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism


Here are some examples of the "drama" that goes on on simstagram. I want everyone to keep in mind when reading this is that They do this shit for fun. Deadass sitting in the group chats signing off on this shit. For shits and giggles. Except nobodies laughing 🙄

I also want you to pay attention to the names being thrown around. Also, each set of pictures is a different drama

The above screenshots were provided by smz on insta

In case you were wondering, I ain't afraid to @ somebody! Klique and Zoe where the main ones starting shit and I got tried of it! So I called them out in front of the lord and everybody!

And here we have someone basically confirming that yes, they do this for shits and giggles.

Is it though????

I'll never be that desperate for attention where I feel the need to make some shit like this up just so that someone can acknowledge me. I know people out here are thirsty for attention, but damn! This is pretty pathetic! Tell me you don't have a life without telling me you don't have a life

Don't sit here and say you're not apart of the problem when literally all the problems are coming from you!

Take the Zoe/Bom situation for example. Homeboy is being accused of being a pedo bear and homegirl (@defnedante) is like "I still love you so much! 😘💕". Mind you this is who they're friend's with #ItsAllConnected:

These people actively support problematic behavior.

Y'all seriously sitting here wondering where this toxic energy is coming from?! I'm here trying to tell you! Do the math! Put 2+2 together! This shit ain't coming nowhere. It's very specific!

Je vois un dénominateur commun ici, pas vous ?

And then that summer a trifecta went down! It was a whole lot all at once! I cant remember if Mercury was in retrograde that weekend or not, but lets pretend that it was because #ooof

This all transpired within the same weekend mind you! #Yikes

Notice how Zoe is at the center of the shit again. "buT I dOn'T LikE tO sTaRt dRamA"

Mind you, Miss Zoe is on #TeamBergdorf Do what you will with that information

This goes above and beyond the usual "stealing/copying" gig. The Peyton situation in particular made very uncomfortable. I think both sides were in the wrong on this one. It was a situation that really didn't need to happen. Innocent people got roped into it that didn't need to be. And that's all I'm gonna say about it.

Do you see the shit we have to deal with on a daily basis? And you wonder why people leave every 3-5 business days. Don't nobody wanna deal with this! Everytime you turn around, somebody outta pocket! Shits getting old! Knock it off!

This alone should make you don't wanna be bothered. It does for me. I'm not a part of these groups and I don't wanna be! Not when you're acting like this over some damn pixels! Some are in it for the shiny blender rooms. They aint worth it! Over here tearing up your graphics card for some likes on instagram. Could not be me!

Just in! Fresh Tea: As I was making this post, more shit went down! Thank you for proving my point! I kid you not, it's like clockwork the way way they start shit right after one of these events. And it's always someone from one of these groups. This time the firestarter is from Alphas. And apparently the offender was also apart of Alphas and they're talking about the shit that happened while they were in said group:

What first got me was the fact that they straight up accepted their own apology. Lie, what? And then there's the whole "I have it on my Patreon, but my friends can have it for free" comment. AND ON TOP OF THAT ITS A STOLEN ROOM! You know how we feel about that type of shit around here! Miss Rey was apart of these groups. Hince the drama. It's time to call a spade, a spade. The toxic energy is definitely coming from a certain place.

Another hard pill to swallow, I know. Here, have some water: 🥛

This ain't the first time, and it most likely won't be the last. These people love to create their own drama and then get mad about it. If you noticed, everyone that we discussed so far is either from Vous, Millennials, Alphas, Oproductions, or Lions, (I would put IMGSims, but they've been inactive since last year so they don't matter). That's not a coincidence. Those groups in particular are all buddy-buddy. That's the clique right there!

Now that you have an idea of what simstagram is like behind closed doors, lemme show this anon from Tumblr:

Is simsagram a cult? Well.....I want to say No. But honestly, I'm not in it, so I can't say that it is or it isn't. I'm just going off of the information provided to me.

And then they make posts like this:

You don't wanna be called a cult, yet you do things like this. I couldn't tell you what exactly is happening here, all I know is that this looks problematic. All I know it that it was a response to some type of drama that they were involved in. (Look who posted it, Klique. The name that keeps going around) This is how they choose to respond. This is how they chose to handle it. TBH It's the hashtag for me #ooof

At the very least this is toxic af! These groups are toxic af!

Nevermind these are the same groups pushing for Blender supremacy. They will lie to you and say that they don't, but they do discriminate against in-game people.

One way is that most of the "events" these role-playing groups have are "blender only". Meaning that if you're someone who just likes to play the game, you can't go. Well....I guess technically you could, but you would photoshop your sim in there and it's not gonna be the same.

Even worse than having an event "blender only" is having the event and including in-gamers, but they get rinky dink leftovers 🙄

Just keep it in blender if you're gonna disrespect me like that! I know my self worth and it's more than shit right here! 1952 called, and they want their segregation back! As someone who loves the sims, I feel like I'm being discriminated against. Hence why people complain about events being "blender only". People who play want to be included too! It looks like fun and they wanna play!

But oh no, they gotta push this false sense of elitism on the community. Could you not?

It wasn't always like this. Even Vous started off with including in-gamers:

After this, they got too big for their britches and went full blender. Never go full blender y'all!

And then there's the stealing of secondlife hairs......

I wouldn't have never picked up on it, if it wasn't for Jupidella.

Jupidella was a problem on tumblr.....

And then she took it to simstagram. She probably would've been fine if she wasn't using SL content and just stayed in her lane. But no, she had to be outta pocket and outta line! You can't say shit like that on the internet sis! Especially on sites like simstagram and tumblr. That will get you cancelled very quickly!

She sparked a lot drama with her "Island Girl" getup. And she didn't handle the situation very well

There's always something coming from somebody.

But now second life hair is so 2021, it's particle hair now. That's the new trend on simstagram. Its only on simstagram. It's not something you can use for the sims 4.

From what I can tell, it's some "blender only" hair. So the only people buying and using this are people using blender. Good job limiting your audience and isolating yourself from the community

And of course it's the "popular kids" are the ones pushing this. Almost exclusively

Even going so far as to make poses "blender only"

Even I know how to make a pose! In fact, I've made a Black Panther one. As someone who's done it before, I can tell you that it only takes an extra two seconds to save it as a package file. This is blatant discrimination for no reason!

The Sims has officially left the chat. You guys are really doing everything under the sun to get rid of anything that makes sims, sims. The further you stray away, the more isolated you will become. You guys already kiss your own ass, tag yourself in your own posts, hang out with "blender only" people, make up your own drama and then mad about it, etc.

If you keep going the way that you're going, you will eventually be isolated from the community and you'll be sitting in your little corner of simstagram still talking about some "bLeNder OnLy". I've nicknamed the collective group: blendergram (no offense to anybody who just wants to do 3D design and have no idea about this simstagram nonsense)

You must understand how all this makes you look......

And if you don't......well that's the problem here innit?

I'm still on simsagram because my MO does not involve these people. They have no direct correlation to my fanfic, so I'm still gonna do me! Still gonna post. Doctor Strange will not fall in love with Loki all by himself ok?

I suggest you do the same!

Stop sweating these hoes and just do your own thing! Everyone you think is "cool" is insecure as fuck and they show it quite often. They can't let anyone else have anything because of their insecurities. They feel threatened over pixels. I personally don't have time for people like that. I know who the fuck I'm am already! I'm past that phase of life.

I don't feel threatened by pixels. But as the "cool kids" have shown time and time again, they clearly are. #BlessYourHeart

My word of advice: Leave these groups alone! That's the only thing that makes simstagram different from other social media sites. Facebook doesn't have this, even tumblr ain't this dramatic! They have their shit, but my god! Shit, even twitter don't be trippin this hard! You want a better sims social experience, I suggest you go elsewhere cause simstagram ain't it! I don't know about you, but I ain't got time to deal with this shit! I came here to post my pictures and call it a day. And that's what I'm gonna do!


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2 comentários

Suci Andriani
Suci Andriani
22 de jun. de 2022

Girl, you said you don't like drama, but this post screams drama to me. Not because of the dramas in it, but because of your rants. Can't accept some simmers prefer using blender than taking in game pics? Does it hurt you in some kind of a way? Feeling salty because you can't do it like them too? Girl, if you wanna be included that bad, try learning blender. These "cool kids" at some point are also such a newbie in blender, but instead of being a dramaqueen like you, they choose to keep on learning. I know. Surprising, right? Making use of your free time to learn something new is surprisingly productive.


21 de jun. de 2022

Can understand your sentiment about the multiples dramas. but …. If you are mad that events are blender only, just don’t go or ignore. There are thing you can do on blender that are impossible in the game and you want to blame people for that? You should go blame Mods creator for bringing unrealistic thing in the game then or blame people that use photoshop on their Sims’s pics. blender is another outlet allowing people to explore their creativity and bring what sims content lack. You are not happy with it? Then stick to sims content and don’t come at people that made THEIR choice to use blender and sims. Seems childish…. As for the particule hair…if You a…


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