Part 3: Unofficial Avengers Business
A side story to Nice Guys Finish Last
Steve and Tony touched down in New York on a rainy Friday afternoon. The city was bustling with people as usual. The couple wasn’t here to party, they’re on unofficial avengers’ business. Tony had the chauffer who greeted them in the lobby take them directly to Doctor Strange’s house. The ride there wasn’t too long. Tony told the driver to wait for them outside.
Steve was eager get to Doctor Strange and get some answers. He was more than halfway to the door when the noticed there wasn’t anyone following him. He turned back to see Tony still standing in the same spot. Steve motioned his hand for Tony to come over, but he just stood there. He let out a short sigh and walked over to Tony. “We came all this away Tony” Cap said, reaching out a hand to his lover. “C’mon we can do this!”. Cap grabbed Tony’s hand and led him to the front door.
Cap banged on the ancient doorknobs and the doors creaked open. “That’s not eerie at all” Tony said sarcastically. The men walked into what seemed the main corridor. The walls were covered with bookshelves and the floors had some sort of trippy pattern on them. A short stubby guy walked up to them and asked “Can I help you?”
“We’re here to see Doctor Strange. Is he in?” Steve asked the man.
The short man nodded his head. “No, but he should be available later tonight. I’ll tell him that you stopped by”
“Do you know who I am? Who we are?! Can’t you ring him up or something?!” Tony snapped.
“Tony!” Steve said giving Tony a look.
“I’m sorry you’ll have to excuse him. He hasn’t been himself lately and we were hoping Strange could help us.” Steve told the man. The man looked at the pair for a moment, and then decided that they should see Strange. So, he guided them the way to where he was. Doctor Strange was meditating in his tranquility room. It was a very spacious and serene area. There was a light fragrance of lavender in the air. He looked very peaceful while he was deep in thought. The guide announced their presence and Strange awoke from his meditation. He saw Tony and Steve enter the room. It must be serious if Steve Rogers is asking for help.
“This better be important” Strange said, annoyed.
The guide left them to have their little meeting.
Strange looked at both of them. Tony appeared to be n distress. “What is it Stark?” Strange said curtly.
“Well….uh…” He struggled with the words.
“We know you used to practice medicine and we were wondering if you could…..confirm something for us” Steve chimed in.
Doctor Strange gave them both a look. Something weird was going on. He could feel it.
“Confirm what?” Strange said with skepticism in his voice.
“I need a professional pregnancy test Strange” Tony said
Confusion ran a mile over Strange’s face. “I’m sorry, you need what?!”
“The one he took at home came up positive” Steve told him. Strange started running different diagnoses through his head, periodically asking Tony health related questions.
“Tony, you need to go see a doctor. You might have a Teratoma”
“What the fuck is that Strange?!” Steve almost yelled at him.
“Short answer is that it’s a tumor” Strange said.
Fear and panic wash over Steve’s face. He tightened his grip on Tony’s hand.
“Is there anything you can do? You are still a medical doctor right?” Steve asked
Strange looked away from the couple trying to figure out the current situation.
“I could do an ultrasound to see what really going on in there”
“Well then let’s do it!” Steve demanded.
Doctor Strange opened up a portal to another room and walked through it. He motioned for Steve and Tony to follow him. They walked through the portal and into a doctors office. It was already equipped with sonogram equipment. Strange rummaged around the cupboards looking for supplies. Tony made himself comfortable onn the hospital bed. He wasn’t 100% sure what was going on, but he had an idea. Steve took a seat on the chair next to the bed. A few minutes later, Strange was ready to do an ultrasound.
“I’m not supposed to be here so we have to be quick about it” Strange said as he turned the machine on.
“Ooooh I didn’t peg you as a bad boy Strange” Tony teased.
Tony leaned back on the bed and Strange examined his belly. On the surface it looked normal. Strange squeezed a reasonable amount of gel on Tony’s stomach and started his search. Steve was a little taken aback by the whole process. He’s gotten pretty used to the future, but there are still some things that baffle him.

At first, they couldn’t see or hear anything, but then Doctor Strange heard a faint heartbeat. Soon Tony and Steve could hear it too. Strange pressed harder into Tony’s belly trying to find the source and there it was. A little jelly bean looking thing. It was tiny, but it was there. Tony and Steve couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
Tony pointed a finger to the screen. “Is…is that…?”
“Your baby? Yes it would appear to be so. That’s definitely a heartbeat and there’s definitely something in there. By the look of it, I would say you’re around 6 weeks” Doctor Strange told them.

Tony clasped his hands over his mouth in shock. Steve was still trying to process what was going on. He squeezed Tony’s hand tight. They both stared at the image on the screen.
“So we’re having a baby?” Steve asked the doctor.
“As far as I can tell, yes” he confirmed. “Now, whether or not it’s human is another thing”
Steve’s heart swelled with happiness. The love of his life is having his baby and he couldn’t be any happier!
See more of Tony, Steve and Doctor Strange in my main story Nice Guys Finish Last