I posted this on tumblr, and it got taken down because Dust Bunny is a crybaby (Keep on cryin babe!). Lucky for me, I have a whole blog where I can share as well!
The rules of Social Media don't apply here! I can post whatever the hell I want on my own blog!
Also, seeing as how you removed my tumblr post, it's clear you care about how you look. But apparently you don't care enough because you're 'still on Bergdorf's payroll😂. You worried about people finding out your content is unfinished, meanwhile Bergdorf is throwing you all the way under the bus!
More goofy behavior from the sims community. Expect nothing less.
Here's the item in question:
It looks SO BAD!! I've been playing since Sims 2, and I ain't NEVER seen a mesh do this! I expect better from people who have been in the community for years now. This is some "Meshing 101" type of mistake. You can't be out here charging people for this lackluster content. Especially when there's more than enough other people converting the same exact content
As I said on Tumblr, this is embarrassing! You charged people $10 for this shit! I want my money back!
And don't think I didn't notice how you flagged that post, but left the clutterquen ones up 👀.
You should look at my other post. It compare's Dust Bunny/Bergdorf's conversions to other creators like Clutterqueen.
AND then there's the whole "telegram" debacle. The TL;DR is that Dust Bunny's content is getting share in a chat, meanwhile Bergdorf's remain untouched.
It's starting to give Simp behavior the more I think about it 😂. Like, I know you're not that dense, dumb, and/or delusional. You know FULL WELL what's going on, and you stay acting like everything is fine. Simp. Simp behavior.
Sure, you can be all big and bad on Tumblr, but what about the rest of the internet? File all the DCMA's you want. That's all you ever gonna do! If that's your only move, then I ain't bothered. And neither is everyone else.
It doesn't change the fact that Bergdorf is doing you dirty. And it sure as hell ain't stopping anybody from doing whatever tf they want with your content. #StayMadAboutIt
Sharing this again incase you forgot:

Love to get Johnny Law on somebody, well try that!
I'd love to see you try and DCMA some random Chinese website!
XOXO, Simbelene 💋