Good morning Simbyotes! I've got some freshly brewed tea for you!
Oooof Ion even know where to start with this one.
The tl;dr is Dustbunny is now "allegedly" paying bergdorf to do what Leosims and others have been doing for years. #ClockItTheHouse
Allow me to elaborate:
So there's this well known SL creator that goes by the name of DustBunny. I know of them through their discrepancy with leosims. Leo was taking their meshes and converting them to sims, and then putting them up on Patreon for a price. Naturally DustBunny and other SL creators didn't like that, so they all collectively sent DCMA's to Leosims.

Which is why Leo's Patreon looked like this for awhile:

Now fast forward to April 2024. I'm just minding my business on the internet, and then I see this:

Babydoll, what are you doing?! And with BERGDORF OF ALL PEOPLE?! All of that drama and now look at you! It's funny how you gave people like Leosims a hard time for doing what I can only assume you're paying Bergdorf to do. My how the tables have turned!
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
I'm giving you the side eye Dust Bunny😒. This you:

Not you charging $10-$25 for your content Dust Bun 🙈. You're more thirsty than Leosims is!
But also in contrast to the Leosims situation, see what happens when you JUST ASK Leo? That whole thing back in 2017 probably wouldn't have been as bad if you would've JUST ASKED! Manners go a long way Leo! If you don't learn anything else, learn that!
Look, I understand times are tough, but you deadass wanna do business with Bergdorf though? I personally wouldn't. She's shady.
She's been known to lurk the dark web looking for people who shares her content. She also made a list of emails of individuals who she suspected shared her content and shared it on a discord server:

That's what you're associating with when you associate with Bergdorf 😬. So as far as I'm concerned, all of yall are on board with that type of behavior. Thats an #ick. I'm absolutely judging you if you enable this type of behavior!
Honestly, I feel like more people should. Y'all just be working with anybody, not caring about anything but a dollar sign. I personally couldn't/wouldn't be seen with anyone who is as problematic as her. Because that would be a reflection of my character.
Here's a little tea for ya: There's a group sharing almost exclusively the content of all the SL creators that are working with Bergdorf. And since thats the path you chose, your stuff is now included Bunbun! They're not even sharing your new stuff, they're sharing content that people converted already 🤧 🤷🏾♀️
But Bergdorf though? Her stuff is not being shared. But the whole entire catalog of her SL friends is 👀

So do what you will with that. Ask Betty Bergdorf about it. I can't tell you much except that there was clearly an exchange in the DMs and this is the end result.
I think the community as a whole is just sick of these random ass SL creators coming in here outta nowhere demanding we give them money 😒. Seriously, go get a job if you need coins that bad. Start selling feet pics or somethin 😆
As for you Dust Bunny, you know full well people been converting your stuff for years already, so now that's getting shared along with whatever Bergdorf converts for you. At the end of the day, all I'm seeing is converted content. Be mad about it 🤷🏾♀️
Stuff like this is exactly why I'm entering my Vindictive Villain era! Be mad and stay mad! Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and gtf over it! Respectfully.
I have no more empathy or sympathy for a community that contradicts itself every 3-5 business days. Because it's not just one thing, it's several things. And it's not just a few creators, it's a lot of them. Too much and too many to be doing the mental gymnastics trying to figure out whos good and whos bad. I'm putting all of y'all on the same boat!
Since y'all couldn't put in check a select few creators, EVERYBODY is fair game! #BeMadAboutIt
I'm tired/done arguing with y'all over stuff that's not gonna change. So I'm just gonna go ahead and use whatever CC I find. And if someone wants be mad about it, well you have a fantastic time being mad about it!
Ultimately, tf you gonna do about it? If Bergdorf can be out here after all the bs that's she's gotten into, well so can the rest of us!
So if you see us out here with something from 2021, stay mad about it 🤷🏾♀️ And that's not just for Dust Bunny. That's goes for virtually everyone! Y'all can collectively stay mad about it!
At this point, I'm about sick of creators coming out the woodwork having both hands out 🙄 It's giving "get a job". Sounds to me like this ain't the career move you thought it was if you've been doing this for however many years AND YOURE STILL OUT HERE STRUGGLING!!
Y'all love to hop on the "its my job" train. Well, sounds like you're working a dead end one, but with pixels 😂 And then you wanna complain to us about it as if we're the ones that put you in that position 😂😂😂
From what I can gather from the community, y'all start your Patreons from a place of financial desperation, and fast forward a few years and you're still technically in that situation 🙃. Patreon is just a band-aid to cover up your actual problems. Take that away and all of a sudden you're gonna be homeless in 3 days🙃(that's exactly how yall act about it). And if that's the case, sounds like Patreon wasn't cutting it in the first place. Sounds like this aint the career move you think it is.
Honestly, that's on y'all🤷🏾♀️ You put this on yourself. No one made you do anything around here. And let's not sit here and act like this is the only way to make money on the internet. It isn't, and you know that.
Also, you can spare us the sob stories too! News flash! YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE STRUGGLING OUT HERE! Y'all love to pull that card out like that makes you special or something. There's people out here going through the same things you are day in and day out and you don't see them whining and being a big baby about it. 🙄
Stop using your struggles as a crutch and grow tf up!
Honestly, it's on some "I will always be a victim" energy. #EW
You know what? In 2024, we're not getting mad we're getting even. Dust Bunny, if this is the route you wanna take, so be it. I don't wanna hear no cryin, fussin or cussin when you find your stuff chillin on several websites somewhere. It already is so 🤷🏾♀️
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!