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Camuflaje Sims, Where's Your Lawyer Hun?

These Sims 4 creators love to give out empty threats. Like Camuflaje does here:

sims 4 creator drama

This was back in June. It's September now.

Where's your lawyer statement at?

Also, in this post, you claim to be "a part of these groups and can see everything"

Can you? Cuz it's been a few months since then and ITS STILL HAPPENING HUN!

I thought you said next time you where gonna get your lawyer?🤔

Next time came and passed already. Donde es lawyer?

I'm calling your bluff Camuflaje!

Self awareness goes a long way. Do you ever wonder why people are sharing your content Camuflaje? It's because your "Early Access" is TWO MONTHS! GTFOH with that! No wonder your shit is in a group somewhere! Stay mad about it!

The community came to the consensus of a 2-4 week early access period, and you're abusing that. Don't cry about your content being shared 🤷🏾‍♀️

And then I see stuff like this and have zero empathy for you:

camuflaje sims 4
camuflaje sims 4

Not your content being reuploaded to some Chinese website 🙈

But go ahead and send your empty threats to telegram 😏😂 #delulu

Talking about a lawyer we all know you can't afford 😏

With the way CC creators cry about not having money all the time, there's NO WAY you can afford a lawyer to lawyer that! That's on some international shit! Which probably costs more money. Money I know that you don't have! (I ain't got that much either, so don't feel bad 😅).

Y'all gotta stop with these empty threats in 2024 😂

That's why I'm here on my blog, talkin ALL THE SHIT! Cuz what they gonna do?! Cry about it on their patreon? Make a 5 page novel on tumblr? Yeah go ahead and do that. I'll still be here hun😘

💋XOXO, Simbelene

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