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Bergdorf Sims Has Entered The Chat

Writer: Amira MontagueAmira Montague

Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Hello lovelies! I have some hot tea for you today! We're gonna be talking about the usual lying, but also privacy invasion!

In the sims community, word on the street is that there is this "tracking list" going around of creators tracking their patrons (people who paid money to access their cont

These were shared with me by a person who we'll keep as anonymous. Their name and picture have been blurred out for protection.

As you can see from this conversation, Cowbuild denies any knowledge of a "leaker sheet".

I'm sorry you were saying somethin?

But see, I have the DMs and they tell a different story!

They metion a name "Snail Kitten" and to make note of it on their sheet. I'm assuming it's the coveted "leaker list". Cowbuild acknowledged it by saying "I can note it myself".

Now, while I don't have the list, I have a name: Snail Kitten. Quick search on Google and....

Well, well, well look what we have here! Snail Kitten is a patron of Cowbuild! Only subscribers can comment on posts. Snail Kitten seems to be an active subscriber too! There's no other mention of them outside of Patreon. Except for mimotos posts. There's no other mention of them outside of that.

I have no way of contacting Snail Kitten, so if someone could send this their way, that would be appreciated! They have the right to know they're being talked about in the discord!

Another name that was mentioned, was Bergdorf! Which shocked me a little. I was expecting this type of behavior from the likes of Cowbuild and HMB, but Bergdorf?! I used her bags in one my posts! We connected over our mutual dislike of Deborah Hauzz! And then I find out you're just as bad? If not worse?! Like, Hauzz is a scam artist and bully sure, but as far as I know, she ain't out here sharing her customers information in a private discord. I feel so betrayed Bergdorf!

And then not too long ago I had a chat with Miss Bergdorf because I shared a post that she didn't like. I had already seen this tea and dealt with the betrayal by then. So I brought up the tracking thing, just to see what she would say and here's what she said:

She says "There's is no way for me ;to track any files" and yet here I have her BFF Cowbuild in the chat talking about some "Go into the warehouse and put something in there that can be tracked". Then she allegedly "Caught a leaker from her tracked upload". I've seen the receipt uncensored. Just like Snail Kitten, it checks out.

I can't this stuff up people! I have a fanfic for that. There's really a group of y'all out here "comparing notes" of your subscribers, your paying customers, in case of the event that one of them "leaks" "your" content. And yes, "your" content because everyone's name that's been mentioned is a re-colorist at best. They buy their meshes and have the AUDACITY to be this uptight over it!

When someone signs up for your Patreon, they're not giving you permission to take their email and give it to whoever you want. Especially in 2022 where we heavily rely on email addresses. It's pretty much our lifeline at this point. This seems like either a data breach or invasion of privacy (or maybe both, idk). Either way, you cannot be out here doing that! As a Patreon creator, you're allowed to send your patrons newsletters and things through email, but not share their personal information with other Patreon creators without their consent on Discord!

"Next time, I will put trackers in my files and every single one will get their own download link" - Cowbuild, 2021

Also, we found Cowbuild on Facebook asking people how to modify files:

It's not just Cowbuild and Bergdorf, HMB is in on this too. Her name also got dropped a few times in the DMs. She's been a problem in the community for awhile, so I'm not surprised. Her claim to fame is putting viruses in her builds and infecting innocent sims players computers. All over some content that's not even hers! FFS!

Guilt by Omission

While doing my research, I found a website called Lipstick Alley. It's basically a gossip website. Of course there's a sims section and you already know all the main problematic people are talked about. Here we have a story someone posted about HMB:

Imagine being this paranoid over content you didn't create!

Careful the company you keep. Yet another person who get clocked from time is Ruby Red. She might not be part of the track team, but's she's buddies with the players.

Basically, they got their meshes from the same place and "coincidentally" uploaded the beds "they made" a few days apart. Lol okay sis. (Also that page shows you cowbuild's famous bunny bed that she got from over here)


Every other creator doesn't have to go through all of this. Why? probably because they're not out here being shady. They're not making email list of "leakers". They're not gaslighting their followers. They're not converting without credit. They leave credit where credit is due. And they're not that pressed over their Patrons.

Think about it now.

Why do you think some creators require their Patrons to beg them for cc links? Yes, they beg. They beg in the comments section. "cAn I hAvE tHe LiNk?". Almost every comment on a post on Cowbuild's patreon is asking for a link. Sweetheart, you shouldn't have to BEG the creator for a link you PAID FOR! (read it again for those to don't understand) Cowbuild's stans love to call people "poor" and look down on others, and yet they're the ones in the comments begging for a link. Both hands out!

Of the two of us, who's actually the beggar? Cause it ain't me I'll tell you that!

Looks like the comments section of a YouTube video. The only difference is that these people actually paid for access to the link (and still have to ask🙄)

I can put 2+2 together. That's how they're tracking their patrons: Sending individual links to specific people. Do youever wonder why some Patreon creators say "I'll DM/E-Mail you the link"? Because they're so paranoid that one of you is gonna re-upload their stuff somewhere (which happens anyway). So they put tracking numbers in the files to keep tabs on their subscribers. Allow me to remind you: THEY DID NOT MAKE IS CONTENT THEMSELVES. THEY BUY THEIR MESHES! So much energy of content that isnt yours! Could you imagine?

I know what you're doing is wrong. That's why you have this whole secret discord. That's why everyone mentioned in the chat is gonna be "hush hush" about it. You can them about it you want want, they're gonna deny everything I can tell you that right now!

The only reason why anyone would be so cynical over some Sims 4 content is if they were doing something wrong. Look at every other creator who doesn't have to put their patrons on a tracking list. That pretty much everyone. This type of behavior isn't normal. The average person ain't doin shit like this. I don't it crosses their mind to be this deep about it.

This is a lot of paranoia over something that's gonna happen anyway. Guess what? you went through all of that shit, and we got your content anyway. Tracking or not, we're gonna get your shit! So why bother sharing people's data? It's pointless.

A word to the community: This type of behavior will continue to happen as long as you continue to tolerate it. It's time to stop tolerating, and demand accountability! It's not enough to have have "drama of the week" and then then let them continue on about their day.

It's time to take some action! Believe it or not, there are things you can do about it!

For starters, you can unsubscribe/unfollow these people. That's gonna be the most effective and practical thing you can do. (I'm 110% with you because let's be honest, patreon don't so shit!) If you're subbed to one or more of these accounts and feel uncomfortable about them sharing your personal information, you can send an email to Or report them them to Patreon (hell, do both!). Just by going those screenshots, it's seems like you're a sub, your name might be on the list. This is no longer a "omg you copied" issue, this is security/privacy issue!

Your personal information is at risk!

TL;DR: Cowbuild, Bergdorf, and HerMajestyBuilds are allegedly sharing the names and emails of their Patrons. I have one Patron who's information has been shared and it's Snail Kitten (If you know how to get in contact with them, please do! they need to know!) I've already unsubcribed and blocked these people. You should do the same!

And that's the tea sis! ☕


I posted a version of this post on tumblr and someone went on anon and sent me this:

I have no words.

If think your name is on the list, I would absolutely UNSUBCRIBE & BLOCK these people! Let me say it again: Your safety is not worth it! They have access to your email address AND they know how to put viruses in your content! 🤢

I'm telling you this for your own safety!


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