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Writer's pictureAmira Montague

2023: A New Direction

What's up yall? How's your new year going hoing so far? Mine is off to a good start!

This is just an update post to let you know what's in store for Simbelene going forward.

First, let's talk about the story. No one wants to see the story illustrated more than me, but damn does it take awhile! I'm finishing the current arc right now. There will be continuity errors because I just didnt feel like going back and fixing it. Some things I can fix in post, but some of it you're just gonna have to overlook. I've been trying to get this done since September and I'm so over it! I'm ready to move on to the next thing!

Storytellingdefinitely requires more pictures than just a regular "day at the mall" type of deal. It requires more simss and more setups. So going forward, I'm gonna find a different way to still tell a story, just with less images. I come up with some pretty good shit, it just takes more time than I have right now.

With that being said, the second thing is that I'm going to do more fashion posts. My original MO (even before the fanfic) was to use this as a sims 4 fashion blog. Basically be like the fashion bloggers you see on Instagram, just with sims. Now that Amira's life has been fleshed out, I have a good foundation to go off of. So expect more fashion related posts in the near future!

And lastly, we're leaving those trifling hoes in 2022 where they belong. I got shit todo this year, dont @ me about no mess unless it's serious (like, say someone finds the rest of the list). It's high time for yall to solve your own problems. I got too much on plate to be pressed or bothered these days 💁🏾‍♀️

At this point, I said what I said and thats the end of it.

Let's make 2023 and fun and productive year!

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